

The first academic session of AWS commenced in April, 2019 starting with primary grades. The school will add up a grade each year. Grades are designated as follows:
GradeAge in years
EARLY YEARS 13 - 3+ Years
EARLY YEARS 24 - 4+ Years
EARLY YEARS 35 - 5+ Years
Grade 16 - 6+ Years
Grade 27 - 7+ Years
Grade 38 - 8+ Years
Grade 49 - 9+ Years
Grade 510 - 10+ Years
Grade 611 - 11+ Years
Grade 712 - 12+ Years
Grade 813 - 13+ Years
Grade 914 - 14+ Years
  • Admissions offered in different grades are subject to availability of seats.
  • The lower age limit for admission is 3 years age as on 1st April in the year admission is sought for.
  • Correlation of age and class to which admission is sought is an essential requirement.


An application form must be filled out to register the student.
A registration fee must be paid along with the application form for the school to register the student.
Registration fee is neither refundable nor adjustable and is valid only for the specified academic year. The fee can be refunded if a written request from the parent is made one month prior.
The registration of the student does not guarantee her/his admission.


  • Parent/guardian must fill out the particulars of the form
  • 6 recent passport size photographs of the student
  • 2 passport size photos of the parents
  • Proof of residence and photo ID proof
  • Attested photocopy of the student’s birth certificate issued by the registrar of births and deaths of the area in which the student was born
  • The registration fee of the required amount is to be paid before the deadline

AWS is now a Microsoft Aspire certified School.

Microsoft Aspire Certified School

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